
12 June Wednesday
  • Inaugural Ceremony

  • Unleashing the Power of AI: Transforming Business for Tomorrow

    As AI provides a competitive edge, enhances customer experiences, and improves efficiency, we hear from the experts about the possibilities of using AI to yield value to business.

    Dr. Dinesh Thambi

    Mr Dinesh Thampi

    Vice President & Delivery Center Head – Kerala

    Tata Consultancy Services

13 June Thursday
  • The Future is Connected: IoT in Daily Life and Career Opportunities

    The future is connected through the Internet of Things (IoT), seamlessly integrating smart devices into daily life to enhance convenience, efficiency, and productivity. As IoT adoption grows, it opens up diverse career opportunities in fields such as cybersecurity, data analysis, and system engineering. Embracing IoT technology promises a transformative impact on both personal and professional landscapes.

    Abhijith Ajikumar

    Abhijith Ajikumar

    Co-Founder and R&D Associate of Zilicon Technologies Private Limited

14 June Friday
  • Wonders of IoT in Daily Life

    Explore how the Internet of Things (IoT) is revolutionizing our daily routines. From smart home devices to wearable technology, IoT is enhancing convenience, efficiency, and connectivity in unprecedented ways.

    Dr Suresh Nair

    Dr Suresh Nair

    CTO Nest Technologies

15 June Saturday
  • Gamified E-Learning and Virtual Reality's Impact On Behavior and Personality

    Exploring the transformative potential of education! It highlights the focus on personal growth and the intriguing interplay between gamified e-learning and VR in shaping who we are and how we act.

    Robin Tommy

    Sudip Joshy Mathew

    Consultant of a Gamified Content Aggregator Platforms, Virtual Reality Films, Feature Film Director.

  • Powering Everyday Life with AI Solutions

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is powering a new era of innovation. Learn how AI solutions are being integrated into our daily activities, from personal assistants to advanced automation, driving smarter decision-making and enhancing our quality of life.

    Robin Tommy

    Robin Tommy

    Innovation Architect and Social Impact Leader

16 June Sunday
  • Safeguarding Your Digital Life

    In an increasingly digital world, Cyber security is paramount. Discover essential tips and strategies to protect your personal information and digital assets from Cyber threats, ensuring a safe and secure online experience

    Mohammed Resal

    Mohammed Resal

    Digital Specialist Engineer | Infosys
